
inheritance - Your object's family tree - switch statement

Head First C#: A Learner’s Guide to Real-World Programming with C# and .NET Core (Andrew Stellman(著)、Jennifer Greene(著)、O’Reilly Media)のChapter 6(inheritance - Your object’s family tree)、p.275(Exercise)の解答を求めてみる。



using System;

namespace MyFirstConsoleApp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SwordDamage swordDamage = new SwordDamage(rollDice(3));
            ArrowDamage arrowDamage = new ArrowDamage(rollDice(3));

            while (true)
                Console.Write("\nS for sword, A for Arrow, anything else to quit: ");
                char weaponey = Char.ToUpper(Console.ReadKey().KeyChar);
                switch (weaponey)
                    case 'S':
                        swordDamage.Roll = rollDice(3);
                            "\n0 for no magic/flaming, 1 for magic, 2 for flaming, " +
                             "3 for both: ");
                        char input = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;
                        swordDamage.Magic = input == '1' || input == '3';
                        swordDamage.Flaming = input == '2' || input == '3';
                            $"\nRolled {swordDamage.Roll} for {swordDamage.Damage} HP");
                    case 'A':
                        arrowDamage.Roll = rollDice(3);
                             "\n0 for no magic/flaming, 1 for magic, 2 for flaming, " +
                             "3 for both: ");
                        input = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;
                        arrowDamage.Magic = input == '1' || input == '3';
                        arrowDamage.Flaming = input == '2' || input == '3';
                            $"\nRolled {arrowDamage.Roll} for {arrowDamage.Damage} HP");

        private static Random random = new Random();
        private static int rollDice(int numberOfRolls)
            int roll = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRolls; i++)
                roll += random.Next(1, 7);
            return roll;

入出力結果(Terminal, Zsh)

S for sword, A for Arrow, anything else to quit: s
0 for no magic/flaming, 1 for magic, 2 for flaming, 3 for both: 0
Rolled 9 for 12 HP

S for sword, A for Arrow, anything else to quit: s
0 for no magic/flaming, 1 for magic, 2 for flaming, 3 for both: 1
Rolled 11 for 22 HP

S for sword, A for Arrow, anything else to quit: s
0 for no magic/flaming, 1 for magic, 2 for flaming, 3 for both: 2
Rolled 13 for 18 HP

S for sword, A for Arrow, anything else to quit: s
0 for no magic/flaming, 1 for magic, 2 for flaming, 3 for both: 3
Rolled 7 for 17 HP

S for sword, A for Arrow, anything else to quit: s
0 for no magic/flaming, 1 for magic, 2 for flaming, 3 for both: 1
Rolled 9 for 18 HP

S for sword, A for Arrow, anything else to quit: S
0 for no magic/flaming, 1 for magic, 2 for flaming, 3 for both: 2
Rolled 13 for 18 HP

S for sword, A for Arrow, anything else to quit: a
0 for no magic/flaming, 1 for magic, 2 for flaming, 3 for both: 2
Rolled 10 for 5 HP

S for sword, A for Arrow, anything else to quit: