
Building Abstractions with Functions - The Elements of Programming - Conditional Expressions and Predicates - evaluation, compound expressions

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs: JavaScript Edition(Harold Abelson(著)、Gerald Jay Sussman(著)、Julie Sussman(著)、The MIT Press)のChapter 1(Building Abstractions with Functions)、1.1(The Elements of Programming)、1.1.6(Conditional Expressions and Predicates)、Exercise 1.4の解答を求めてみる。

a = 2, b = 3の場合。

  1. a_plus_abs_b(2, 3)
  2. (3 >= 0 ? plus : minus)(2, 3)
  3. (true ? plus: minus)(2, 3)
  4. plus(2, 3)
  5. 2 + 3
  6. 5

a = 2, b = -3の場合。

  1. a_plus_abs_b(2, -3)
  2. (-3 >= 0 ? plus : minus)(2, -3)
  3. (false ? plus : minus)(2, -3)
  4. minus(2, -3)
  5. 2 - (-3)
  6. 5


function plus(a, b) {
    return a + b;
function minus(a, b) {
    return a - b;
function a_plus_abs_b(a, b) {
    return (b >= 0 ? plus : minus)(a, b);

for (const args of [[2, 3], [2, -3]]) {

入出力結果(Terminal, Zsh)

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