
Gerald Jay Sussman

Building Abstractions with Data - Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Sequences as Conventional Interfaces - Sequence Operations - accumulate, polynomial, Horner's rule

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs: JavaScript Edition(Harold Abelson(著)、Gerald Jay Sussman(著)、Julie Sussman(著)、The MIT Press)のChapter 2(Building Abstractions with Data)、2.2(Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property)、2.2.3(Sequences as Conventional Interfaces)、Sequence Operations、Exercise 2.34の解答を求めてみる。

Building Abstractions with Data - Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Sequences as Conventional Interfaces - Sequence Operations - accumulate, map, append, length

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs: JavaScript Edition(Harold Abelson(著)、Gerald Jay Sussman(著)、Julie Sussman(著)、The MIT Press)のChapter 2(Building Abstractions with Data)、2.2(Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property)、2.2.3(Sequences as Conventional Interfaces)、Sequence Operations、Exercise 2.33の解答を求めてみる。