
The MIT Press

Building Abstractions with Data - Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Example: A Picture Language - Levels of language for robust design

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs: JavaScript Edition(Harold Abelson(著)、Gerald Jay Sussman(著)、Julie Sussman(著)、The MIT Press)のChapter 2(Building Abstractions with Data)、2.2(Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property)、2.2.4(Example: A Picture Language)、Levels of language for robust design、Exercise 2.52の解答を求めてみる。

Building Abstractions with Data - Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Example: A Picture Language - Transforming and combining painters - below operation

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs: JavaScript Edition(Harold Abelson(著)、Gerald Jay Sussman(著)、Julie Sussman(著)、The MIT Press)のChapter 2(Building Abstractions with Data)、2.2(Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property)、2.2.4(Example: A Picture Language)、Transforming and combining painters、Exercise 2.51の解答を求めてみる。

Building Abstractions with Data - Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Example: A Picture Language - Transforming and combining painters - flipping horizontally, rotation, 180 degrees, 270 degrees

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs: JavaScript Edition(Harold Abelson(著)、Gerald Jay Sussman(著)、Julie Sussman(著)、The MIT Press)のChapter 2(Building Abstractions with Data)、2.2(Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property)、2.2.4(Example: A Picture Language)、Transforming and combining painters、Exercise 2.50の解答を求めてみる。

Building Abstractions with Data - Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Example: A Picture Language - Painters - segments to painter, frame, x, diamond shape

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs: JavaScript Edition(Harold Abelson(著)、Gerald Jay Sussman(著)、Julie Sussman(著)、The MIT Press)のChapter 2(Building Abstractions with Data)、2.2(Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property)、2.2.4(Example: A Picture Language)、Painters、Exercise 2.49の解答を求めてみる。

Building Abstractions with Data - Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Example: A Picture Language - Frames - vector, constructor, selectors, addition, subtraction, scaling

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs: JavaScript Edition(Harold Abelson(著)、Gerald Jay Sussman(著)、Julie Sussman(著)、The MIT Press)のChapter 2(Building Abstractions with Data)、2.2(Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property)、2.2.4(Example: A Picture Language)、Frames、Exercise 2.46の解答を求めてみる。